

Si te gusta comparte y ayúdanos a crecer


To feel calm and at peace

Epena (Virola) is one of our special and consecrated Rapés for the ceremonial. Sacred to the Yanomami culture, this Rapé will open a very special connection with ancestry and the gratitude that you can express towards your life, existence and the wisdom of the elders who guide us on the path of medicine. In the prayer of the elder who prepares it is its great power of connection and universal peace.

( Rape Jatoba )

From the book The plants of the gods Epena medicine appears as a powerful tool for humanity. It is usually used for passage rituals (such as going from being a boy to being a man, the stages in a woman’s life, etc.) and we always recommend that her presence be honored through an altar where we can recognize her power and her company as a gift from the grandparents of the shamanic tradition.

( Rapé Anaua )

Its main benefit is the connection. Through its ritual you will connect with the peace, relaxation and tranquility of your being. After challenging or stressful situations that can cloud our confidence in life (such as a possible crash, dangerous fall or a situation of high level of stress and anxiety), it will reestablish silence from the inside out so that you can go through any situation that has taken you out of your center.

( Rapé Mulateiro )

The resin from which this Rapé is made is called Virola. It contains a powerful entheogen that will open your connection channels with the most subtle worlds, harmonizing the sixth and seventh chakras. Although it is not within the category of visionary Rapés, you can come to vision (it depends on the amount you use and the response of your body) due to its essential properties.

Along with the red sap of the Virola, there is the company of Grandpa Tobacco as in almost all Rapés. For this reason, it can be used as a daily Rapé. and its effects on your body will become broader and deeper the more you use. We are grateful for this medicine that does not always arrive, but that on this occasion, we were able to count on the gift of the Mayor who prepared it and prayed for this community that we love so much. It is important that you know that ITS AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED .

( How does rapé intervene in my daily life? )

If you want to know more about Rapé Epena, contact us on our social networks as @ancestrina , visit our YouTube Channel or write us in the comments to receive more information about the path of medicine. We know that RAPÉ CHANGES LIVES and we would love for you to be part of this community that expands consciousness through ancestral medicines.

Similarly, if this rapé was part of your journey, please share your experiences of healing and change with us in the comments below . We believe in the stories of transformation that this loving ancestral medicine has spun and we are convinced that it can help many to return to their essence, return to the present moment and live a life full of well-being and purpose.

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