
Power Animal: Monkey

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Power Animal: Monkey

Monkeys are some of our closest relatives on this planet. As members of the primate family, we often recognize ourselves in these creatures. Monkeys remind us of our connection to nature. They show that humanity is not as far removed from the animal kingdom as we sometimes believe.

Monkeys are also a great source of fun and joy. Monkeys are playful, carefree, goofy, sociable, and energetic. They often remind us not to take life too seriously. Monkeys teach us to enjoy the simple things in life and let go of unnecessary stressors.

What is the meaning of the monkey?

The meanings associated with the monkey combine playful and friendly qualities with nonchalance about problems:

  • freedom in life
  • The enjoyment of every moment
  • being a joker
  • have emotional intelligence


The symbolism of the monkey

In this case, the symbolism of the Monkey recognizes that play and entertainment are useful for the soul. Therefore, this spirit animal reminds you that these things should be included in your day on a regular basis. These animals have a great capacity for compassion, understanding and bonding. All of which are also part of our human social makeup, and serve to remind us that our journey on this planet is not a lonely one.

When it comes to solving problems, this creature represents how to use your wits to solve them. Alternatively, the monkey meaning symbolizes the ability to solve all problems. If you are honest with yourself, you will be able to solve any problem you encounter. The symbolism of the monkey reminds you to make sure you are aware of all the options and all the ramifications of those options.


The monkey as a power animal

People with the monkey as a power animal have a predilection for practical jokes and good-hearted tricks. Be wise and choose the people you joke with carefully. There is a time and a place for good humor. Also, this is also true for the person you are joking with. When the monkey is goading you into making a good joke, make sure your humor is well-intentioned, and not causing any harm to other people.

People with this totem are intelligent, intense, and involved. They are excellent motivators and are very good at constructive criticism. People with this totem are also emotionally expressive and are good at releasing their pain. As a result, they tend to live fully in the moment.


Meaning of dreaming of a monkey

Dreaming of a monkey can represent that you are too confident with the problems in your life. You need to pay more attention and spend more time solving the problems that are holding you back from moving forward in life. If this animal bites you, be careful because something you have said or done is coming back to bite you. You must be aware of the signs and prepare for any conflict.

A monkey dream also reminds us that we have a sense of community and that this part of our soul needs nourishment. Another meaning of dreaming of a monkey is that you have allowed someone to make fun of you. The best course of action is to take back control of the situation in your life.


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