
Benefits of meditation for depression

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Benefits of meditation for depression

Perhaps you once considered meditation to be a passive, boring exercise only attainable by a select few, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the practice of this mental and spiritual discipline is so full of activity that it has been recommended as a complementary treatment for psycho-emotional conditions such as chronic stress, anxiety and depression. has been recommended as a complementary treatment for psycho-emotional conditions such as chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Through various medium and short-term scientific studies, it has been shown that meditation or the practice of mindfulness (also known as Mindfulness) is one of the most recommended disciplines for this type of disorders. Not only have they been used as complementary treatments, but they have proven to be an almost effective formula for recovery as long as it is performed with consistency and openness. In this article, we will tell you about three specific benefits that meditation will bring to people suffering from depression.

( How meditation can improve your mental health )

The mind can rest

The mind is usually loaded with stimuli and with the practice of meditation or mindfulness we give ourselves a moment of pause and contemplation. Although it is an active practice (within its passive appearance), the fact that we are focusing our attention on our senses or a meditation focus (such as mantras, sounds or guided by experienced teachers) will generate a relaxing effect on our mind. We will also have the possibility to leave the autopilot we are used to and open ourselves to a new experience that will connect us with ourselves. At the same time, when we have a diagnosis of depression, engaging in activities that relax and bring us well-being will contribute positively to recovery.

( Meditation )

We dis-identify with thoughts

When we practice mindfulness and our senses focus on the present moment, we reduce the flow of thoughts we are accustomed to. As a consequence, we will be able to inhabit other states of consciousness and realize that we are not our thoughts. This premise is shared by many spiritual philosophies such as yoga, Buddhism and all those doctrines that focus on introspection and contact with the true essence. For this reason, making meditation a regular practice will help us to disengage more and more from past events that may be laden with negative judgments about ourselves or the experience of being alive. In this way we can sow new seeds of consciousness and re-build another vision of reality that is more linked to wellbeing and inner fulfillment.

( How your brain benefits from meditating )

It is a tool to connect with our essence

Meditation is one of the oldest tools of humanity to connect with the self. Ancient sages such as Buddha, Patanjali and Shamans have used contemplation to have a higher quality of life, as well as to connect with themselves and the Universe around them. We can be beings of action as well as contemplative beings who are open to connection with the Self. These practices not only provide a seemingly disembodied and distant benefit such as the famed “spiritual enlightenment”, but their benefits are more related to the small daily actions that we can undertake. For what reason? Because when we are more connected with ourselves, we can be more assertive in our actions and decisions, as well as we can establish deeper emotional bonds with others and our own self.

At Ancestrinarecognize the practice of meditation as a discipline that can only bring us benefits.. There are many types of meditations and the ideal is that you can start or stay with the one you connect with the most, opening yourself to different experiences. We use snuff, an ancient ancestral medicine, to have deep meditations and open ourselves to the universal connection with Mother Earth.. If you want to receive recommendations of snuff for depression or to feel the benefits of meditation, write us on our social networks.

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